Thursday, May 1, 2008

Save A Tree.

So this morning I decided to take a trip by Mardel because I was in need of a particular commentary on Galatians. Mardel is some kind of bizarre. I think about Mardel as "The Marketable Jesus". It's just so gimmicky. But here I was hunting and hoping that they would have a copy of the book. Of course they didn't, I should have just saved the trip and gone to Amazon.

As I roamed through the store I picked up a copy of Relevant Magazine and flipped through its pages. There was one particular article that peaked my interest so I thought I would pay them for it rather than find a chair and read it on site. I made my way up to the register and was greeted by Pam or Marge or Lois (some elderly lady type name...I can't quite remember). As I set me Relevant on the counter, she was playing it cool. She the the young "cool" preacher kid, she must have been thinking.

After I paid way too much for one magazine, she stuffed it into a PLASTIC mardel bag. I told her she could save the bag and I would just carry the magazine out, if that was alright. To which she replied, SAVE A TREE. I walked out of Mardel - the marketable Jesus, laughing and thinking. Plastic Bag...Save a Tree. Something's not quite right with that picture. Oh, but how Relevant grandma Marge must have felt in that little moment, Ha!


Tommy Bailey said...

The Christian Wal-Mart as I like to call it.

Unknown said...

yeah, I kinda wish they'd go away honestly. I just really hate Christian sub-culture. Guess that makes me a bad youth pastor, eh? (I don't lose any sleep on it though)

Anonymous said...

paper or plastic? Hmm...I think our only option to solving the greatest ecological mystery of our day is to raise the playing field to a much higher level. WWJD? (grin)

Ben Nockels said...


I heard a little bit of an NPR piece last week on the environment and they mentioned a new spin on the ole' WWJD - What Would Jesus Drive.

Anonymous said...

ben, that's easy. Y'all. With a big ole stick called a staff...(grin)