Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thought From Jim Wallis.

Just heard a piercing thought from Jim Wallis, author of God's Politics and Great Awakening.

He said, "We have growing churches and dying neighborhoods."

Let that bounce around your head and heart.

Talk To Our Father.

I wanted to pass along a matter of prayer from a member of the KAMPs Community. I assured them they we would join them in prayer and pain, even now. I prayed that the SHALOM of God would surround and invade. Would you talk to our good Father about this family?
"Hey if you don't mind could you guys pray for my family? Especially my brother matt and his wife stephanie...she was pregnant with triplets and was due in late October, but she went into labor and long story short they lost all 3 babies yesterday...they are up in Missouri right now and they are both just ridiculous amazing people and really torn up obviously right now...thanks"

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

KAMPs Missional Community.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasingly complicated. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. Living out the gospel means desiring for one's neighbor and neighbor's family that which one desires for one's self and family. Living out the gospel means bettering the quality of other people's lives spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally as one betters one's own. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.

The Gods Aren't Angry by Rob Bell screening at KAMPs on Sunday, August 24th at 5:30pm. Where did the first caveman or cavewoman get the idea that somebody, somewhere existed who needed to be worshipped, appeased, and followed? And how did the idea evolve that if you didn't say, do, or offer the right things, this being would be upset, agitated, or even angry with you? Where did religion come from?
There will be a back to school event for all Refugees on Sunday, August 17th from 5:30 to 7:30pm at Flower Garden Park. This event will include food, activities for kids and a back pack giveaway. We will be providing all Refugees in OKC and all the students living at Jamie's Landing apartment school supplies for the upcoming school year. Please make plans to be a part and consider now how you can give financially to this effort.
Rex and Lanie Barrett are leading a new church planting endeavor in the Paseo Arts District. They will begin building community on Wednesday nights beginning August 6th. We encourage each of you to consider participating and spreading the word. Email for more info. Rex will be sharing at the KAMPs Gathering on Sunday, August 10th at 5:30pm.
There will be no KAMPs Gatherings on Sunday evening, August 3rd.
Our friends at Crosstown Church have invited members from the downtown Church (Big "C") to join them for a downtown prayer journey on Tuesday, July 29th at 7pm. The group will meet and the prayer journey will begin at the Myriad Gardens.
I will continue the teaching conversation through Galatians at Skyline ( this Sunday, July 27th at 11am. The morning Gathering will be followed by a shared meal together. That evening we will be getting together at KAMP's to further explore what an extended spiritual family on mission together looks like.
I look forward to connecting and celebrating with you on Sunday!
Free To Live.

Monday, July 14, 2008

KAMPs Missional Community.

Headed to New Life Church ( in Colorado Springs for the annual Desperation Conference ( Really looking forward to hanging with friends there. So, I'm sending out the KAMPs Missional Community update early this week.
Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasingly complicated. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. Living out the gospel means desiring for one's neighbor and neighbor's family that which one desires for one's self and family. Living out the gospel means bettering the quality of other people's lives spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally as one betters one's own. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.

Our friends at Crosstown Church have invited members from the downtown Church (Big "C") to join them for a downtown prayer journey on Tuesday, July 29th at 7pm. The group will meet and the prayer journey will begin at the Myriad Gardens.
Fusion Church ( ) will be hosting Servants Training Weekend July 18-20. When Jesus left the most exclusive gated community in the universe and relocated among us, He sparked a revolution: an upside-down revolution of love and justice. Join us for an introduction to a radical new way of doing justice in the inner cities of the world.
We will join Fusion Church for a combined Gathering on Sunday, July 20th at 5pm. Craig Greenfield from Servants to Asia's Urban Poor ( will be sharing on "Solitude, Community & Mission". Servants to Asia's Urban Poor is an international movement: a network of Christian communities living and working amongst the urban poor in Asia's mega cities, participating with the poor to bring hope and justice through Jesus Christ. Fusion is located in the Plaza District, 1755 NW 16th Street (between Classen and Penn).
I will continue the teaching conversation through Galatians at Skyline ( on Sunday, July 27th at 11am. The morning Gathering will be followed by a shared meal together. That evening we will be getting together at KAMP's to further explore what an extended spiritual family on mission together looks like.
Remember and reconsider the words of Jesus in Matthew 5. This is what he said: "You're blessed when you're at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule. You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. You're blessed when you're content with just who you are-no more, no less. That's the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can't be bought. You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat. You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being care-full, you find yourselves cared for. You're blessed when you get your inside world-your mind and heart-put right. Then you can see God in the outside world. You're blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That's when you discover who you really are, and your place in God's family.
Be Blessed.

The God's Aren't Angry.

Love starting a Monday morning with "good mail". In my mail slot at Bridgeway sat a little red cardboard box, that I just knew had to at least be interesting mail and it was. My DVD copy of Rob Bell's latest tour talk had arrived, The God's Aren't Angry.

"Where did the first caveman or cavewoman get the idea that somebody, somewhere existed who needed to be worshipped, appeased, and followed?

And how did the idea evolve that if you didn't say, do, or offer the right things, this being would be upset, agitated, or even angry with you?

Where did religion come from?"
You can watch a few previews at Now don't go out a buy a copy. I spent the $20 for all of us. And we will schedule a viewing at KAMP's in the not to distant future.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

KAMPs Missional Community.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasingly complicated. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. Living out the gospel means desiring for one's neighbor and neighbor's family that which one desires for one's self and family. Living out the gospel means bettering the quality of other people's lives spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally as one betters one's own. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.
Our friends at Crosstown Church have invited members from the downtown Church (Big "C") to join them for a downtown prayer journey on Tuesday, July 29th at 7pm. The group will meet and the prayer journey will begin at the Myriad Gardens.
Fusion Church ( will be hosting Servants Training Weekend July 18-20. When Jesus left the most exclusive gated community in the universe and relocated among us, He sparked a revolution: an upside-down revolution of love and justice. Join us for an introduction to a radical new way of doing justice in the inner cities of the world.
We will join Fusion Church for a combined Gathering on Sunday, July 20th at 5pm. Craig Greenfield from Servants to Asia's Urban Poor ( will be sharing on "Solitude, Community & Mission". Fusion is located in the Plaza District, 1755 NW 16th Street (between Classen and Penn).
Tommy Bailey will be leading us in worship and Richard Galloway from New York City Relief ( will be our special guest at KAMP's this Sunday, July 13th at 5:30pm. Please bring a dessert to be shared with the group. In 1989, Richard and his wife Dixie founded NYC Relief, a front-line urban missions program which not only provides food and clothing for the urban homeless, but connects them from the street with life-changing Christian programs. NYC Relief exists to connect the poor, oppressed, and addicted with a path toward help and hope. Through outreach partnerships, we seek to be a bridge between human need and resources to meet those needs. These things we do.that others may live.
I look forward to connecting and celebrating with you on Sunday!
Love & Justice.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baby Dumping.

I wanted to pass along the latest update email from Floyd & Sally McClung. Floyd influenced my life greatly as a 16-year old through his efforts with YWAM.
When the storm drains are cleaned twice a year in our area, the city's waste management reports seeing small, dead, baby bodies. This is traumatic for the city workers, and its reported that a psychiatrist is on staff to debrief the workers. "Baby Dumping" is officially undocumented by officials, but it is not uncommon.
What is more alarming than mothers literally throwing their newborns away, is that no one is doing anything about it in our area. Until now. "Baby Safe" is a ministry to rescue unwanted babies. A team working under the auspices of All Nations has come together from various ministries and churches to make the project a reality - including caring for the mothers who are struggling with poverty, fear and abuse. We have prayed, done "due diligence" research, and now we ready to launch the ministry. Through Baby Safe we will be able to help mothers who choose life over death for their babies.
One baby's life was radically changed when he was found in Masiphumlele, one of the poorer communities where we work. He was tossed aside, still in his mother's placenta, abandoned in a black garbage bag. He was left for dead, but thankfully found by a group of children. This little boy is now a thriving 5 year old. He was adopted by a wonderful couple found through a local church. Through Baby Safe we aim to save other baby's lives like little Luke.
Baby Safe is committed to presenting an alternative to abortion, and we hope to prevent children from being abused and severly neglected by presenting mothers with an alternative.
Children rescued through Baby Safe will be placed in loving, Christian adoptive families. The precious hope of Jesus will also be presented to women in crisis as well as other social service resources meant for women and children in need.
When the little boy mentioned above was rescued and brought to his new home, this verse was read over him: "On that day you were born, your cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to make you one looked on you with pity or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you. Rather you were thrown into an open field, for on the day you were born, you were despised. Then I passed by and saw you kicking in your blood, and as you lay there in your blood, I said to you, "Live!" (Ezekiel 16:4-6 NIV).
We believe that God will rescue the helpless through Baby Safe and make a life long covenant with the children who will be saved.
If you would like to learn more about Baby Safe, contact Bethany at Bethany is a graduate of CPx, the All Nations training program. If you would like to receive information about CPx, write to

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

KAMP's Missional Community.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasing complicated. The life that we have been given has become marked by condemnation rather than grace and chaos rather than peace. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. Living out the gospel means desiring for one's neighbor and neighbor's family that which one desires for one's self and family. Living out the gospel means bettering the quality of other people's lives spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally as one betters one's own. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.

Catholic Charities has asked us to help them throw an Independence Day celebration cook-out onThursday, July 3rd from 5:30-8:30pm at Flower Garden Park - on NW 46th between McKinley and Classen. All the Refugees that have arrived in Oklahoma City over the last year have been invited to the celebration, totaling around 100 people. We will need to provide 100 burgers & buns, 50 all beef hotdogs & buns, charcoal and condiments. We will also help cover the cost for an inflatable to ensure the kids have a great time as well. Please let me know if you will be able to help contribute food or finances to the effort. I hope that some of you will be able to join in as we continue to engage, bless, serve and build relationships with our neighbors from afar.

Please join us at SKYLINE ( this Sunday, July 6th at 11am. There will be no KAMP's Gathering due to the holiday weekend.

Richard Galloway from New York City Relief ( will be our special guest at KAMP's on Sunday, July 13th at 5:30pm. New York City Relief exists to connect the poor, oppressed, and addicted with a path toward help and hope. Through outreach partnerships, we seek to be a bridge between human need and resources to meet those needs. These things we do.that others may live.

Our friends at Fusion Church ( will be hosting Servants Training Weekend July 18-20. When Jesus left the most exclusive gated community in the universe and relocated among us, He sparked a revolution: an upside-down revolution of love and justice. Join us for an introduction to a radical new way of doing justice in the inner cities of the world.

Have a great holiday weekend!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Church That Is The Message.

I feel like I am always throwing out random thoughts and quotes from people I'm reading and / or listening to. Not always the most original blogger, but here goes a new thought from a new book I started last night by German Wolfgang Simson: Houses That Change The World.
"I dreamed of a community that is a s simple as one-two-three, yet is dynamic; an explosive thing, able to turn the world and a neighborhood upside-down. The church as a supernatural invention, endowed with God's gift of immortality; a means to disciple each other, and to make the life of Jesus rub off on each other.

A church, which does not need huge amounts of money, or rhetoric, control and manipulation, which can do without powerful and charismatic heroes, which in non-religious at heart, which can thrill people to the core, leave them speachless with joy and astonishment, and simply teach us The Way to live. A church which not only has a message, but is the message. Something which spreads like an unstoppable virus, infects whatever it touches, and ultimately covers the earth with the glory and knowledge of God. A church whose power stems from its inventor.

The church I dreamed of is like a spiritual extended family - organic, not organized, relational, not formal.

A church that can multiply like five loaves and two fish in the hands of Jesus, where it's people are its resources.

God is changing the church, and that, in turn, will change the world. Church as we know it is preventing Church as God wants it."