Wednesday, July 2, 2008

KAMP's Missional Community.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasing complicated. The life that we have been given has become marked by condemnation rather than grace and chaos rather than peace. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. Living out the gospel means desiring for one's neighbor and neighbor's family that which one desires for one's self and family. Living out the gospel means bettering the quality of other people's lives spiritually, physically, socially, and emotionally as one betters one's own. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.

Catholic Charities has asked us to help them throw an Independence Day celebration cook-out onThursday, July 3rd from 5:30-8:30pm at Flower Garden Park - on NW 46th between McKinley and Classen. All the Refugees that have arrived in Oklahoma City over the last year have been invited to the celebration, totaling around 100 people. We will need to provide 100 burgers & buns, 50 all beef hotdogs & buns, charcoal and condiments. We will also help cover the cost for an inflatable to ensure the kids have a great time as well. Please let me know if you will be able to help contribute food or finances to the effort. I hope that some of you will be able to join in as we continue to engage, bless, serve and build relationships with our neighbors from afar.

Please join us at SKYLINE ( this Sunday, July 6th at 11am. There will be no KAMP's Gathering due to the holiday weekend.

Richard Galloway from New York City Relief ( will be our special guest at KAMP's on Sunday, July 13th at 5:30pm. New York City Relief exists to connect the poor, oppressed, and addicted with a path toward help and hope. Through outreach partnerships, we seek to be a bridge between human need and resources to meet those needs. These things we do.that others may live.

Our friends at Fusion Church ( will be hosting Servants Training Weekend July 18-20. When Jesus left the most exclusive gated community in the universe and relocated among us, He sparked a revolution: an upside-down revolution of love and justice. Join us for an introduction to a radical new way of doing justice in the inner cities of the world.

Have a great holiday weekend!


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