Thursday, August 14, 2008

KAMPs Missional Community.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and simplify. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasingly complicated. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. This summer we have committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully. Summer has been a time to rest from work and now the summer season is coming to a close and we enter into a new rhythm - a time to work from a place of rest.

We will be getting together at KAMP's to further explore what an extended spiritual family on mission together looks like on Sunday, September 7th & 14th at 5:30pm. This will be a focused dialogue on the future expression of the Mars Hill Kamps Gathering and our growing partnership with Skyline. I encourage all those who have invested, loved and shared in this journey to attend.

The Gods Aren't Angry by Rob Bell screening at KAMPs on Sunday, August 24th at 5:30pm. Where did the first caveman or cavewoman get the idea that somebody, somewhere existed who needed to be worshipped, appeased, and followed? And how did the idea evolve that if you didn't say, do, or offer the right things, this being would be upset, agitated, or even angry with you? Where did religion come from?

There will be a back to school event for all Refugees this Sunday, August 17th from 5:30 to 7:30pm at Flower Garden Park. This event will include food, activities for kids and a back pack giveaway. We will be providing all Refugees in OKC and all the students living at Jamie's Landing apartment school supplies for the upcoming school year. Please make plans to be a part and consider now how you can give financially to this effort. We will be providing everything for burgers and dogs but we need you to bring an easy side or dessert in bulk (we may be feeding up to 150 people).

I will be concluding the teaching conversation through Galatians and transitioning the conversation to explore Missional Communities at Skyline ( ) this Sunday, August 17th at 11am.

I look forward to connecting and celebrating with you on Sunday!

Working From Rest.

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