Thursday, March 13, 2008

Somebody Stop Me.

Somebody stop me. Two posts in two minutes. I think I'm on a roll!

Here is a an intriguing rant or rave that I came across from a fellow Okie, Anne Jackson at

“what’s the deal with most modern churches? i understand the idea of local churches, but doesn’t that mean a body of believers within a community (not necessarily a “building”)? and with technology the way it is nowadays, can’t a community be practically anywhere? why do i feel guilty for not serving in my local “building” when i know i serve others daily in my life. why do i feel guilty for not being in a small group or always going to a service that my local “building” coordinates when i know i hang out with other believers regularly? why do i feel guilty when i don’t tithe to my local “building” but i give money to other believers and causes that i feel led to give to? is the culture of the modern church one that is so singularly focused that the local church has become an institution and not a lifestyle, which i think is the way the new testament intended it to be? i know there is a need for churches in our culture, but why do those churches make other ways seem unacceptable?”


luke said...

I just finished a book called "So You Don't Want To Go To Church Anymore" by Jake Colsen. Have you read it? It's a real easy, smooth read that really explores what the Church is really about. What I think I loved most is that even though the book directly hits on sensitive and painful subjects, there is not a hint of cynicism or condemnation. It just overflows with hope when so few other books, teachings, and people do. As one character even says "He didn't really say anything I haven't heard before. It's just the kind of stuff you are afraid to believe is true." It might be the perfect book to introduce people to this idea of being the church instead of going to church.

Ben Nockels said...

Love the book rec, thanks!