Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Big Blue.

If you ever want to stir some serious curiosity...just blow up a 25-foot blue elephant that has Porn Sunday on it. We had several great conversations with people from the community as to the purpose of Big Blue.


Unknown said...

This is isn't related to the post, but I wanted to share it with the community that reads this blog.

My brother-in-law is a youth pastor in Missouri, and he and his church's senior pastor went to a conference in Atlanta called "Catalyst." One of the speakers showed the following video before speaking. It was essentially to show a perspective on God from someone besides the average Christian. I'd love to see what thoughts the video brings about.

It's called "Foreskin's Lament." I believe it is the first in a series. (I hope it was okay to share this here. Let me know if there's an issue with that.)

Unknown said...

Okay, I feel I should note that it is one of two videos in that series, and the second may be offensive to some. It wasn't for me personally, but I know we are not all the same in that regard.

And on a sidenote: the second video actually seems to apply quite well to this post. Fancy that!

Tommy Bailey said...
