Friday, October 26, 2007


Last night I hung out the backroom at Bridgeway ( and listened to Floyd McClung who is currently living, serving and loving in Capetown, South Africa. You can read more on Floyd's adventures at For now, here are the big ideas and thoughts that I scribbled down during the evening.

Floyd and his community are working with a group called African Hope Crafts ( - a jewelry company that employs only people living with HIV/AIDS. Crafting jewelry for two days provides enough money for a month of low-level living. You gathered the feeling that people living with HIV/AIDS have become unemployable in many regards, thus the power of this effort. It causes me to want to spend money with compassion in mind rather than consumption.

He talked a bit about his recent book release, "Starting A House Church" (, stating its purpose and premise being to provide principles that encourage the church of tomorrow to do and be church simply enough that it will work everywhere.

I have not fact checked the next series of statements that he made. I only have room to believe they were communicated with integrity and right intention.

"If we don't trust, we will give up."

"We need a values conversion."

"Africa is the only country not experiencing economic growth."

"There are 860 million people in Africa and 460 million claim to be Christian."

"Africa has been evangelized but not discipled."

"We need to serve those that were once enslaved."

"There are 540 unreached people groups in Sudan."

"It is the aim of Islam to have a mosque every mile in Africa."

"What would happen if we sent soldier of love not war to the middle east?"

"Lead by not leading."

"We don't institutionalize community, we inspire it by living it."

"I believe in functional leadership, leaders are those that lead."

"There are 3.5 million whites (total population 45 million) in South Africa that have never been in the home of a black person."

"The strength of the American culture is our initiative, can do attitude, optimism. This is bad if it is not married incarnation, can't do and shouldn't do. Just because you can doesn't mean you should."

"Leadership is more horizontal than vertical. There are times where we are in front of, next to and behind."

"Spirituality in the US is about hype and promotion."

"Church should be done in all spheres of is life."

"Sunday is not the game. Sunday is halftime. And the game is played outside the church walls."

"How does God see his church?"

"Let God breathe on our hearts so that we will hope again."

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