Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mars Hill Update.

Summer seems to be a natural season to step back, slow down and SIMPLIFY. Christianity and the accompanying church life has become increasing complicated. The life that we have been given has become marked by condemnation rather than grace and chaos rather than peace. Jesus said that the essence of Christianity could be summed up in two inseparable commandments: Love God and Love Your Neighbor. Simple yet more powerful than we know. This summer we are committed to learning and living out the wonders of loving God and others simply and powerfully.

Consider these words from Randy Frazee's book, Making Room For Life:

I envision a life that is not as hectic. We always seem to be on our way to the next place, never really arriving at a destination.

I envision a life with either more money or less expenses. I strongly suspect it's less expenses.

I envision a life with less time in the car and more time for walks. Can this ever become a reality?

I envision life where there is a time for work and a time for play. I love to work, but I just want it to keep from getting offside. I want to play more, but I think after all these year I've forgotten how.

I envision a life with less fast food in the car and more spreads of home cooking with family and friends. Shoving burritos in our mouths while driving can't be what God had in mind for us. We have lost the beautiful art of sharing a meal together. I want to regain that art.

I envision a life of less accumulation and more conversation. I already have way too many manuals on how to care for the stuff I bought. Plus, people have to be more interesting than things. I don't think most of us really know for sure.

My list goes on and on, and I'm sure yours does too. We are an advanced people with vast resources. We've invented speed and time-saving technology that couldn't be fathomed a hundred years ago. We have more discretionary money than any people in history, though we usually spend it all before it even comes in. We have the freedom to choose like no other people in any other time. With all this going for us, why does it feel as though we've gone backward instead of forward in our quest for a quality of life?

The KAMP's Gathering takes place this Sunday, June 8th at 5:30pm - Robert and Rebecca Prince will share with us their personal story, journey and quest to Make Room For Life. Ryan Gikas will lead and journey with us in worship.

Please join us at SKYLINE next Sunday, June 15th at 11:00am - My friend Stuart Cranford will be sharing a Father's Day message about the impact of the life and sudden death of his own father. Please visit for more info and driving directions. There will be no KAMP's Gathering that night.

Mark your calendars and make plans to participate in a care and celebration day with Refugees on Saturday, June 21st. We will be coming together to love more of our neighbors simply and powerfully. Be thinking of ways that you can bless and engage these beautiful people.

I look forward to celebrating life together in God with you on Sunday, 5:30pm at KAMP's.

Making Room For Life.

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