Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Story Continues...

Here is the latest feedback on our journey together...

"I've been around Mars Hill a couple of times in the past month or so and it's been really refreshing. I'm pumped about your heart for a church that is ACTIVE and moving. I spent the summer overseas and coming home has left me aching for ministry outside the walls of a church."

What refreshes you in life?
What do you ache for?

Tell us your story.

Much Love.


Ryan Marshall said...

God has been teaching me, showing me that I am supposed to be with people. To love people in a way that shows them who God really is, and who they really are.

I took a spiritual gifts test the other day, and alot of the questions just made me go, huh?. The majority of the questions where about "ministering" to "Christians". While that is good and all to me it misses the point. I "scored" really high in mercy and I really wondered why that was. It was because all of the questions about mercy where geared toward people outside the walls of the church.

God get me out of this bubble and let me show you to the world by my love for people!

Ben Nockels said...

Thanks Ryan for adding to the story. I love your heart and know that it will ooze out of you all over the place.

Eugene Peterson poses this question in "The Comtemplative Pastor": "Who are these particular people, and how can I be with them in such a way that they become what God is making them? My job is simply to be there...not doing anything to interfere with what the Spirit is shaping in them."