Thursday, July 12, 2007

Keep Hoping.

Several months a couple of college-age guys showed up at KAMP's for the Gathering. These young men were on mission. Their hearts were full. Their eyes wide open.

While having dinner with my new friends Jordy & Tim (check them out at I met a homeless friend of theirs named Keith. Keith has a tale to tell. His life turned upside down in a moment. Now homeless and wandering OKC.

Keith joined us for dinner that night and has continued to be a part of our life off and on over the last several months. He would drop in and out. Weeks would go by and no sign of him only for him to reappear rather randomly downtown OR receive a call. I was always pleased to run into OR hear from Keith. I think we all worried about him during the times of little or no contact.

Jordy & Tim have been really faithful to Keith. And while I have had some role in all of this, it has been Jordy and Tim's heart for Keith that has allowed me to keep hoping. And Keith's perseverance that has kept him humbly fighting for his life.

In all of this, I see more of my AND our role come into focus. I am not a hero, nor do I aim to become one. Our church is not a success story. nor do we aim to become one. I love serving Keith directly. I love encouraging and empowering others as well. Too many churches exist for themselves. And some churches even exist for the pastor. And some of us have a difficult time celebrating the stories of others action. I want our church to exist for all three people mentioned: Keith, the marginalize homeless man AND Jordy & Tim, the wild-eyed college students ready to lay down their life for a homeless friend.

If the ministry of the church is going to be put back in the hands of the people. It will not be Ben did this or Mars Hill did that, but rather...You know those college kids we met awhile back...they are loving that homeless like crazy. And you know that family...they are loving their neighbors like crazy. On and On and On...the stories will go. More numerous than we can count.

So my role...put the ministry of the church back in the hands of the people and the church back out on the streets where it belongs.

Will you receive the gift of the church AND go and be?
And please tell us your story along the way.

Oh yeah, Keith the homeless man is moving to Weatherford with Jordy & Tim. They found him a job and a place to live.

How can we worship a homeless man on Sundays and ignore one on Monday?

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