Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Kingdom of Kids.

Next Sunday at KAMP's we will be continuing our series on the Kingdom of God. As I was reading some scripture yesterday, it really began to hit home. We'll look at some of those passages in the NT where Jesus interacts with children. Kids give us a portal into the kingdom.

Yesterday I was at my parent's house hanging with them a bit and helping my dad re-sod his lawn (i never knew dog urine could kill fescue). My mom bought a slip-n-slide for my little girl and niece & nephew. They seemed to think it functioned as a fun, wet sidewalk. They walked back and forth, back and forth.

My mom was attempting to verbally explain how to properly use a slip-n-slide. And they just didn't get it. It demanded an exhibition. So, fully clothed...I went running across the lawn letting it all out diving onto the hot wet plastic portal into the kingdom. For about 45 minutes, I was 7 again, sliding around in my parent's front lawn and pushing my daughter and her cousins down the same portal.

We all have a King. He is our Father. We are his Kids.

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